Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Remember me???!!! Sorry I have been so invisible but it's called ... HAVING A PUPPY!!! Boy, they really do take up a lot of your time ... but I finally see light at the end of the tunnel ... Finn is now 3 1/2 months old and kind of potty trained. He weighed in at his vet visit yesterday and he is now 32 pounds!!! He's a big boy!

Guess what fun thing I did a couple weeks ago with my son, his friend and my nephew? Well, it involved being in bumper-to-bumper traffic trying to get onto the Bay Bridge ...


Then we finally got onto the bridge ...


See the SF skyline? If you look to your right (have to click on the photo) you can barely make out the Golden Gate Bridge ...


And we ended up here!


And what a great play WICKED is! Loved it! It was playing at the Orpheum Theater ... which was built in the 1920's. Very cool place!

I have also been getting ready for the next opening at the Room. I got this old record cabinet (it was an ugly brown ... forgot to take the before photo) at a local thrift store for just $4. And I have a pretty cool idea of what it can be used for ... wait and see!!!!



  1. How fun to be able to just "run" into San Francisco! You're a lucky, lucky girl MJ!!!

  2. Well you have certainly been too busy to blog, that's for sure! Wow, I can't believe your puppy is 32 lbs already! Oh I LOVED Wicked!! Loved it, loved it! This week I am going to see the Lion King on stage. I am so excited. :) Oh and that top? Forever 21. It is my most favorite top that I have bought so far...I'll have to take a picture of it for you. It's got the big butterfly sleeves. It's so romantic! xoxo

  3. How's puppy raising coming along? :))
