Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Boy ... I have been so busy ... between work and getting ready for my brunch
on Saturday ... but I did take time to take some pics of my house all spruced
up for the holidays! And I wanted to stop in and say hi to all of you!! Thank you
to all of you that faithfully read my very insignificant blog! I feel as though we
are all friends! Here are the pics (don't forget ... if any is cut off, click on them
for a full view):



I love old Shiny Brite ornaments!! I have a ton of boxes of them!



I save vintage bottle brush trees ... here are a



Here is one of my brothers and myself (I was
about 15 months old) on Santa's lap in 1961:


Here are all three of my brothers
(before I was born) on Santa's lap in the 50's:





This one you will definitely need to click
on for a full view -- I didn't want to take
too much of the right side of it because
that where our paper shredder is.


I mentioned in my last post that I had a
funny story about one of the brunch gifts
I gave to the girls. About 10 years ago,
I did a garden brunch and for the favor
for them to take home, I purchased herbs
and little terra cotta plants. I was going
to replant them into the little pots. Well,
my Dad was a master gardener and he
sweetly volunteered to replant them all
for me. Once he got them done,
he brought them by my house. I set
them on the entry table the morning
of the tea. Well, once the tea was over
and I start to let everyone take
their herb, we notice there are ants
everywhere ... in the plants, on the table,
everywhere! I found out my Dad had
used soil that he had outside that
had ants in it and he never even noticed.
My Dad has now been gone for 7 years
so this is just another one of those fond
memories that I have of him! :-)

Next post I will be sharing my brunch
photos and menu!!!


  1. I love your vintage sign and ornaments!! Man you are doing better than me. Lol! I am still unpacking...ugh. I'm sure I will be until I move again.

    Hope you are doing well!!


    Michelle and the kitties :)

  2. Oh how funny! I hope you were laughing at the time! LOVE LOVE all of your vintage ornaments -- how gorgeous they all are. I especially love the green one with the snowy scene on it!
